Women Safe & Children

The association Women Safe & Children was founded in 2014 by Frédérique Martz and Dr. Pierre Foldes. It has supported 2800 women and 195 children from France and abroad. 40 professionals are working to free women's voices and help them get by.
What’s Women Safe and Children's missions? Accompanying women and children who are victims of violence.
Women Safe welcomes and treats women who are victims or witnesses of all types of violence (physical, psychological or economic).
Since the beginning, it has welcomed women victims of FGM, that can benefit of the global holistic management of the Institute.
The Women-Safe Institute is backed by a FGM repair surgery centre, which offers, depending on the case, a complete and free surgical treatment. During the last 25 years, more than 16.000 FGM survivors have been seen in consultations and more than 6.000 have been operated on.