Women's Rights Foundation Malta

Women’s Rights Foundation is a relatively young Maltese organisation that has always been involved in the area of violence against women and adopted an intersectional approach to address it.
The main services offered by WRF are to provide legal advice and representation as well as advocate for women's rights within a human rights framework. Throughout the years, WRF has called for state accountability on acting with due diligence to prevent, protect and prosecute cases of violence against women within a gender framework, and FGM is one of the key issues that are important to the organisation. Although Malta has criminalised the practice of FGM, WRF holds the opinion that not enough is being done to raise awareness at the national level on the harmful practices of FGM and its practice within the local context.
WRF has had the opportunity to conduct research at a national level on the situation of FGM in Malta. Moreover, it is closely connected with the migrant communities as well as other organisations working within the area of migration and women in Malta. Throughout the years it has provided training on FGM both from a legal perspective, but also to create awareness about the practice itself and the prevalence of the practice within the local context.