Photo exhibition 'Building Bridges to end FGM' at Mundo B in Brussels
Our photography exhibition 'Building Bridges to end FGM' will be on display in the Kamilou cafe area of the Mundo B building in Brussels from 13 May until early July 2016.
The photographs provide a new way of addressing FGM with a positive, creative approach, which we hope will remind national and European decision makers of the commitments they have made to address female genital mutilation within and outside Europe. The artists intended to create a feeling of hope, that FGM can be brought to an end and women and girls living with its lifelong consequences can be given the attention they deserve.
The cafe is open 8:30 - 18:00 on weekdays and is open to the public - do come by and check it out!
Mundo B, Rue d'Edimbourg 26, 1050 Ixelles
© Olivier Jacqmain - 28 October 2015 - Belgium
This exhibition is co-funded by the European Commission's Rights, Equality and Citizenships Programme, the Human Dignity Foundation and the Wallace Global Fund.