FGM is a procedure done on very young girls in the Middle East and Africa.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a horrific procedure done on very young girls in the Middle East and Africa. Unfortunately, we know that the procedure has also found its way to the US; I wrote about a case from April 2017 that is still in process.
In May 2018 a debate was held with three highly credible people engaged in this issue: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who has formed a foundation to deal with this issue; M. Zuhdi Jasser, a well-known medical doctor, founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy and moderate Muslim practitioner; and Alan Dershowitz, civil rights attorney, who worked for a period with a group in Michigan that wanted to find a way to normalize a version of female genital mutilation. It was a fascinating debate (more of a discussion) that shines a light on why all of us should be concerned with this issue in this country.
Read full article here.