Global Platform for Action to End FGM/C Statement on The Gambia

Global Platform for Action to End FGM/C Statement on The Gambia

End FGM European Network together with our partners from the Global Platform For Action to end FGM/C prepared a joint statement regarding the situation in The Gambia. We joined forces to express our concern the ban on FGM could have on the lives of millions of people in the Gambia and beyond.

As an international consortium of civil society organizations, champions, survivors, and grassroots representatives united in a singular mission to support the abandonment and prevention of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), we (the Global Platform for Action to End FGM/C) express our profound concern over the attempts to repeal the law banning female genital mutilation (FGM) in The Gambia.

This law represents a critical safeguard for the rights, health, and well-being of girls and women in The Gambia, and its repeal is a direct threat to the hard-won progress made in protecting them from this form of Gender-Based Violence (GBV).

We stand in unwavering solidarity with the local activists in The Gambia who work tirelessly to uphold the ban on FGM, championing the rights and well-being of women and girls in their communities. We call on the Gambian authorities to honour their commitments under international and regional human rights instruments and reject this harmful Bill.

It was powerful to witness the outpouring of international support for upholding the FGM ban.

For further details, statements and speeches, please click here.