TERRE DES FEMMES - Awareness raising activities: International Day of Zero Tolerance against FGM

Every year on 06th of February, TERRE DES FEMMES initiates a Germany-wide book campaign to raise awareness on the topic of FGM. 

The campaign took place in 22 bookstores and libraries spread throughout the whole country. It was reaching out to people who might not have heard of FGM yet, but now happen to pass by a table full of books, brochures, and information material in their favorite bookstore.

At the same day, TERRE DES FEMMES released an impressive and emotional interview with the author Ntailan Lolkoki, who shared her personal experience and spoke out to other affected women

Want to see more? Watch the Interview and Ntailan Lolkoki's reading (both German) from her books Wings for the Butterfly: The Day My Life Started Over and The Kingdom of Watetu and Songaland. An African Fairytale.