Terre des Femmes News!

Since May 2017, TERRE DES FEMMES is running a media campaign called Open Your Eyes on FGM with images and short videos for social media dissemination, information also available on the website EyesOnFGM.

CHANGE Agents from Berlin take part in the campaign with statements and images.


- A new video for awareness raising in FGM affected communicities calld "Amina" has been produced by co-beneficiary Plan Stiftungszentrum and released within the project. The video is available with subtitles in French, German, Italian, Portugese and Dutch.
- CHANGE Agents and Champions in five European cities are presently implementing their behaviour change activities. Results will be presented at the two upcoming events currently planned by project partners for advocacy and dissemination of results:
- 26 of September: European Advocacy Meeting is organised by END FGM in Brussels.
- 23rd of November: Final CHANGE Plus conference is organised by TDF in Berlin.

United to End FGM in Germany:

Dissemination of United to End Female Genital Mutilation is progressing in Germany. After the successful launch on 6 of February, the platform was presented on 24 April at the annual conference of family planning centres run by the "Diakonie Deutschland" .

Projektkoordination / Project Coordination
Referat Weibliche GenitalverstĂĽmmelung / Department Female Genital Mutilation

Connect - Empowerment of female refugees in Berlin:

The Connect project- empowerment of female refugees in Berlin - run by TDF in Berlin is currently entering its second phase. Female volunteers have been recruited and trained to mentor the newcomers and support them in every day life in Germany. Now, the second call has been opened to take new volunteers on board.