Working with our members on the European Commission’s proposal for a directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence.
The Network and its members are actively involved in negotiation process of the proposed Directive on violence against women and domestic violence. We are working closely with our members and partner organisations to strengthen the proposition and make sure the final Directive efficiently tackles FGM in the EU.
To debate on the views and expectations of civil society, the Network was invited to bring their inputs during a hearing at the European Parliament organised by MEP Rodriguez-Palop (The Left, Spain) Vice-Chair of the FEMM Committee and one of the Shadow Rapporteur for this file. The Policy and Advocacy Team participated together with three members representative (Equipop, Save a Girl Save a Generation and GAMS Belgique). We raised our concerns and shared our knowledge with the other organisations and women’s rights professionals as well as the institutional representatives present there (UN, Council of Europe, European Economic and Social Committee).