MIGS - The Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies

The Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS) is an independent non-profit organisation that promotes and contributes to projects of social, political, and economic themes relating to gender and women’s rights on a national, regional, and EU level. The Institute recognizes the multiple levels of discrimination against women and accepts that this discrimination takes different forms. MIGS aims to act as a main contributor to the intellectual, political, and socio-political life of the region as this relates to issues of gender. It aims to use a multidisciplinary approach and work in collaboration with other institutions.
The institute’s usual activities are transnational in scope and in impact. All activities seek to advance women’s rights and address the effects of policies, laws, corporate behaviour and other processes on the lives of women in Cyprus, and in the EU. Using a combination of research and analysis, campaigning and lobbying, building alliances with other NGOs working on similar issues, and communication and awareness-raising, MIGS aims to influence not only public attitudes but also legislation, and policy on a local, regional, and European level.