Follow the Gender ABC Project on Facebook (@GenderABC) and on Instagram (@genderabc)! Gender ABC is an EU funded project managed by the End FGM European Network in partnership with four other organisations: Terre Des Femmes (Germany), AIDOS (Italy), Medicos del Mundo (Spain) and APF (Portugal).
The project sets out to change children’s attitudes towards gender stereotypes & norms reinforcing gender-based violence and raising awareness of schools, families and communities to develop a supportive and safe environment for children to learn.
The Educational Modules
The Gender ABC project team developed 18 educational modules and 3 supporting documents: these modules are tools for educators, teachers and any other professional working with children and teenagers that wish to raise awareness about gender equality and gender-based violence. Discover the educational modules here.

In the past months, we hosted the Webinar "Ensuring a Gender-Based Violence education in Europe" & Isma Benboulerbah, our Project Coordinator, had many key meetings to promote the Project and talk about it to a broader audience.
In Portugal, the RAP GENDER ABC was officially recognised as a best practice by EPIS - Entrepreneurs for Social Inclusion, on 26 November.
In September, Italian schools re-opened after having been closed since the beginning of March and the Gender ABC project also resumed its activities! Some activities were slightly readapted, to make students reflect about their recent experiences and to start processing them.
On 7 December, 3pm (CET) the Gender ABC partners are hosting a webinar on "Ensuring a Gender Based Violence education in Europe" to close 2 years of work on the project.
During the past months, Gender ABC had a complete restyling!
APF, on of the partner organisation behind the Gender ABC, presented the project in the launching of the MenEngage Iberia Network.
The Gender ABC recommendations for what to read, listen to and watch if you want to get through the summer by learning more on Gender Equality and feminism.
From young people to young people, using arts as a tool for human rights: Gender ABC's students from Portugal have produced the rap song "RAP GENDER ABC" to address their peers and prevent various forms of gender-based violence, such as gender stereotyping, gender bullying, cyber violence and intimate partner violence. Check out the lyrics!
Our team has been working hard in June and we have made many exciting things happen! Isma Benboulerbah, Gender ABC’s Project Coordinator, had meetings with key actors of the European Parliament to promote the Project and talk about it to a broader audience.
In Portugal, APF organised an Online Campaign, called “Live the Tradition Without Discrimination! - Prevent Gender-Based Violence”. The campaign is part of the Gender ABC Project and is taking place from the 1st of June until the 30th.