What is Gender ABC?

Gender ABC is an EU funded project managed by the End FGM European Network in partnership with four other organisations: Terre Des Femmes (Germany), AIDOS (Italy), Medicos del Mundo (Spain) and APF (Portugal).
The project sets out to change children’s attitudes towards gender stereotypes & norms reinforcing gender-based violence and to raise awareness of schools, families and communities to develop a supportive and safe environment for children to learn.
Gender ABC recognises the role of schools in influencing values, social norms and attitudes, and shaping behaviours.
Download the project infographic here.
Find out more on Gender ABC reading our Blog here.
The Educational Modules
The Gender ABC project team developed 18 educational modules and 3 supporting documents: these modules are tools for educators, teachers and any other professional working with children and teenagers that wish to raise awareness about gender equality and gender-based violence.
All modules are available in English, Portuguese, German, Spanish and Basque.
Printable versions available upon request at info@endfgm.eu.
Feel free to share with anyone who might be interested and print them to use them yourself. Enjoy!
Follow us on Facebook (@GenderABC) and on Instagram (@genderabc): share with us a picture of you using the modules!
18 educational modules as tools for educators, teachers and any other professional working with children and teenagers that wish to raise awareness about gender equality and gender-based violence. English version.
More18 educational modules as tools for educators, teachers and any other professional working with children and teenagers that wish to raise awareness about gender equality and gender-based violence. Basque version.
More18 educational modules as tools for educators, teachers and any other professional working with children and teenagers that wish to raise awareness about gender equality and gender-based violence. Spanish version.
More18 educational modules as tools for educators, teachers and any other professional working with children and teenagers that wish to raise awareness about gender equality and gender-based violence. German version.
More18 educational modules as tools for educators, teachers and any other professional working with children and teenagers that wish to raise awareness about gender equality and gender-based violence. Portuguese version.