Soumaïla Sissoko

Soumaïla Sissoko

Country of origin: Mali

Living in: France

Languages: French, Bambara, Kassonké, Malinké and English.

Short bio: Soumaïla participated in Equipop’s project ‘Protecting the next generation’ in 2015. He also participated in trainings on FGM and sensitization meetings of the Malian diaspora in France for the abandonment of FGM.

Soumaïla is an End FGM activist and a General Secretary of the Association of the natives of Mahina (Mali) in France. Soumaïla is in charge of organising meetings, fundraising to finance cultural events and helping in job search. Soumaïla runs a large social media hub gathering members of his association in Mali and in the Diaspora which he uses to post sensitization tools on FGM.

Soumaïla graduated in private law in Bamako, Mali in 2001. From 2016 to 2017, he is on training leave to be a job counselor.


I call on the EU to support us to end this practice