UNAF Summer Updates
During the second quarter of the year the Area of Cultures, Genders and Sexualities of UNAF continued to encourage and promote different actions, activities and projects for the approach, prevention and attention to female genital mutilation and other forms of gender violence, awareness of sexual and reproductive health and sexual and reproductive rights and specialised intercultural mediation.
UNAF is currently involved in the project Addressing gender-based violence in an intersectional and intercultural approach, funded by the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, whose main objective is to guarantee and facilitate the access of all women under equal conditions to public services and resources to address gender-based violence and guarantee the exercise of their rights. To achieve this, they are implementing different actions that follow the lines of training, awareness and advocacy.
The organisation has organised the course 'Community equality promoters for the prevention and approach of all forms of gender violence', in May and June. Twelve women from different cultural backgrounds participated in the course, all of them community leaders, intercultural mediators, social agents and women active in the associative network.

During four weeks and 60 hours and with the participation of different experts, the keys for the detection and attention of all forms of violence, especially female genital mutilation, sexual violence and forced marriages, the development of knowledge and skills that contribute to a good accompaniment of women, referral to public and associative resources and the development of training and awareness-raising actions have been addressed from an intersectional approach. The training included a face-to-face meeting of all the participants in which the different topics addressed during the course were discussed in depth and the importance of generating support networks among women was addressed. Following this, individual sessions will be held with each of them so that they can implement different awareness-raising actions in their communities.
On June 28, UNAF held the webinar 'Intercultural and intersectional strategies for the care and prevention of gender-based violence', with more than 300 registrations. The session, aimed at social-health professionals, mediation and social agents, was aimed at improving the quality of intervention and comprehensive care with migrant and racialised women survivors or affected by gender-based violence. The same trained professionals will also participate in order to share first-hand the needs they have detected, as well as strategies and keys to improve professional care.
In addition to these two training actions, UNAF will launch in the coming months a communication campaign in several languages with the aim of bringing resources to migrant women on gender-based violence and, in general, to raise awareness and prevention of all forms of gender-based violence.
Stay tuned to UNAF's social media channels to see it happen!
You can follow all of UNAF's activities through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and through their website!