AIDOS - Associazione Italiana Donne per lo Sviluppo
AIDOS is an NGO working to build, promote and protect the rights, dignity, well-being, freedom of choice and empowerment of women and girls.
AIDOS has been engaged in programs and projects for the abandonment of female genital mutilation (FGM) for almost 30 years in several African countries, giving financial, technical and organizational support to local NGOs working on this issue. AIDOS programs aim to build a social environment in which the individual choice may be possible, addressing gender relations and particularly the power imbalances that influence the sexual and reproductive rights of women.
As implementing partner of UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), AIDOS is carrying on a media project involving radio journalists from Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal (Abandoning FGM/C on FM!). In Italy and in Europe the Association implements advocacy activities and provides training on FGM addressed to different professionals, including the ones who are dealing with women asylum seekers.
AIDOS is founding member of the End FGM European Network.