Fostering dialogues across all different sectors unites the European movement to share in once voice in ending FGM. A key priority of the Network is ensuring that all work and dialogue around FGM must encompass all areas FGM lends itself to including the law, health, asylum, media, social protection and education. Through knowledge exchange of the different sectors, a better understand of how to end FGM for good can be reached.
Visit UEFGM to learn more on empowering & training professionals on FGM.
- Building Bridges touring art exhibition here;
- Building Bridges European Development Days 2018;
- Report: The European Forum to Build Bridges on FGM 2017;
- Building Bridges Annual Report 2017;
- Building Bridges Position Paper.
Our members & Building Bridges
Case Studies from End FGM EU’s members’ applying a Building Bridges approach.
Since years, several End FGM EU's Members apply a Building Bridges approach in their projects to promote the abandonment of FGM. In this section, some concrete projects using this approach are highlighted as promising practices to put the Building Bridges perspective in effect.
TheEnd FGM EU's Members implementing Building Bridges projects are the following:
- Associazione Italiana Donne per lo Sviluppo (AIDOS, Italy)
- Groupe pour l’Abolition des Mutilations Sexuelles Féminines (GAMS, Belgium)
- Foundation for Women's Health Research and Development (FORWARD, UK)
- Equilibres et Population (Equipop, France)
- International Centre for Reproductive Health (ICRH, Belgium)
- Finnish League for Human Rights (FLHR, Finland)
- INTACT asbl (Belgium)
- Lebendige Kommunikation (LebKom, Germany)
- Pharos (the Netherlands)
- Federation of Somali Associations in the Netherlands (FSAN, the Netherlands)
- Building Bridges between regions
- Building Bridges between sectors
- Building Bridges between FGM and other forms of GBV